HUNY-B CBD Mean Wintergreen Rub - Smoke Shop Wholesale. Done Right.

HUNY-B CBD Mean Wintergreen Rub

Sale price$25.00
Choose an option:1000mg

HUNY-B CBD Mean Wintergreen Rub

Available Options:

  • 1000mg
  • 2000mg

HUNY-B CBD  Mean Wintergreen Rub is named as such because it is unforgiving. The Menthol crystals, combined with Arnica and Cottonwood Bud create a feeling of burning relief. We added essential oils designed to help with nerve pain, neuropathy, sciatica, swelling, inflammation and more of the major pains.. These oils were put together to attain a synergistic or additive effect. We believe it is the best pain reducing recipe we have come up with; but some of our customers still prefer the Heat Rub. Plus, by using these Essential Oil combo it also Anti fungal, Antibacterial Antiviral.


Application for CBD Mean Wintergreen Rub :

Apply generously and massage into your sore muscles and joints as your body heat melts the Liniment into your skin. For extra heat apply after a warm bath or shower. Allow your skin to cool down but utilize your open pores. Apply as needed. Keep stored in a cool, dry place (not refrigerated).

Caution: Wash your hands after applying. Do not take by mouth. Topical medicine is for use only on the skin. Do not use Liniment on open wounds or on sunburned, windburned, dry, chapped, or irritated skin. If this medicine gets in your eyes, nose, mouth, rectum, or vagina, rinse with water.

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