DLX Deluxe 1 1/4 Rolling Papers - Smoke Shop Wholesale. Done Right.
DLX Deluxe 1 1/4 Rolling Papers - Smoke Shop Wholesale. Done Right.

DLX Deluxe 1 1/4 Rolling Papers

Sale price$24.00

DLX Deluxe 1 1/4 Rolling Papers

Tobacco quality has increased in the past decade. DLX was created to match this increase in tobacco quality. Using new technology, the DLX is a blend of premium natural ingredients and gummed with natural vegan Acacia. The DLX burns slow, and is designed to match your high-end tobacco. Very thin, cross-woven paper creates a slow and even burning pattern to your smoke.

A smoke is only as good as the paper it’s wrapped in, so make the right choice and go with DLX.

Paper features Rolling Supreme’s patented run-preventing watermark system with cross-weave patterning and vertical hard-stop lines, to keep your smokes burning slowly and evenly, every time.