Green Remedy 750mg Eli's Reserve Mango
Green Remedy is excited to introduce a line of hemp-extracted CBD dedicated to the Wooton family — Eli’s Reserve. For every bottle purchased, Green Remedy will donate a portion of the proceeds to charities like Eli’s Hope Foundation, Inc.
For the first five years of his life, Eli Wooton suffered from a rare form of epilepsy, causing around the clock seizures. The Wooton family was told nothing could help Eli — until they were introduced to the healing powers of hemp-extracted CBD.
Eli’s Hope was established to give back to families in Hyden, KY faced with similar situations as the Wooton family. From groceries to medical bills, Eli’s Hope strives to spread light amongst the community that helped tremendously during such a devastating time in the Wooton family’s life.
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